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Barkley Independence Day


Independence is a really big deal for Barkley.

Such a big deal that each January, the entire agency halts businesses as usual to celebrate why being an independent agency matters so much. And like most things at Barkley, a major celebration wouldn’t be complete without a custom design system and theme.

For Independence Day 2021, I had the pleasure of leading the effort. Our theme was Win Inside to Win Outside. It’s all about creating a culture where everyone feels empowered to embrace their weird, rough edges and bring their whole selves to work.


Type and language played a big role in setting the tone for the theme. In a year that would have been easy to ruminate on the past, we committed to looking forward at the year ahead and celebrate the wins that we gained along the way.


My role: creative lead, system development, copywriting, swag production


Want to know more? Let’s chat.