
Jones Family Rules


Up against competitors with much larger budgets, we developed a clean campaign focused on even cleaner labels.

Most families have rules, and the Jones family is no different. At Jones Dairy Farm, their rules include offering safe products with clean labels. For this campaign, we weren’t shy about this differentiator. With rules like “Keep It Clean” and “Fuel Up Naturally” leading the Jones Family Rules campaign, we kept our younger audience at the center of strategy and execution. The campaign rolled out across all Jones advertising efforts, including print, digital, social, in-store and outdoor.


To provide more information about Jones Family Rules and why they’re so important, we developed a campaign landing page full of all-new content.


We even developed mobile digital ads that were served based on a user’s current weather, delivering them the perfect recipes for their day.


And in the company’s home state of Wisconsin, we ran intentional outdoor ads on major commuter routes.


My role: concept and message, web copy, print ads, content strategy, SEO strategy, paid social and videos, digital ads, outdoor


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